As this article in The Telegraph forwarded by my son-in-law indicates, despite everything, 2014 was a very good year. Sure, it was the year of Ebola, ugly racially-charged killings by cops, monstrous barbarity by the animals that call themselves ISIS, extreme economic disparity between the haves and have-nots of the world, ongoing wars in Africa and the Middle East.
Nevertheless, as the article points out and despite what the mass media screams everyday, the world is more peaceful than at any time in history. People are living longer and genocide, autocracy, and terrorism are actually in decline.
In America, I suggest you turn off Fox News long enough to read this thematically similar article by economist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman, who points out that, contrary to popular belief, about 10 million more Americans are covered by health insurance than were covered a year ago, thanks to Obamacare. Also, the growth in the cost of healthcare has gone down and the national health exchanges are operating nearly glitch free.
Also, strides have been made in immigration, climate change, and employment. We've witnessed powerful economic growth, strong gains in manufacturing, housing, and the stock market. Ebola was handled well and became a non-crisis in the U.S. and we didn't get ourselves involved in any more stupid wars. Not a bad year for a "failed" presidency!
Of course things are not all rosy, of which we're constantly reminded by the news media. But as the year ends, please take a moment to consider all the things that went right in 2014--arguably the best year the world has experienced in quite some time.