Oh No! He Did It!
For the life of me I don't understand why elected officials do not take my advice. President Obama went on the TV the other night and said the U.S. is going to war against ISIS. Apparently he didn't read my blog post of September 8. I like the president and I think he's done a lot of positive things during his administration despite constant resistance from a criminally negligent Republican party.
However, this is why I think that a fellow who said we should stop doing stupid things is doing a stupid thing by escalating our involvement in the Iraq and Syria:
- It's what the enemy wants. When our bombs hit Muslim civilians, ISIS' highly sophisticated media machine will pump out images and commentary showing how the Great Satan USA is killing poor innocent Islamic people
- ISIS is not an imminent threat to the USA, despite what the paranoid warmongers say
- Our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan prove that this is not a part of the world where our military can make a difference
- Whenever we take sides in that part of the world, the side we take inevitably comes back to bit us in the rear!
- Our bombs will only fuel further hatred of the USA
- It'll lock us into an open-ended war that will cost the Treasury billions, if not trillions of dollars over time
- We desperately need investment in THIS country--not in some Middle East wasteland
- If we are going to war again--then let's pay for it. Make Congress vote for the funding of this adventure. That's one way to nip this ill-conceived strategy in the bud! Imagine, actually funding a war--what a concept!
- If ISIS is truly a world threat, why can't the president convince places like China, Russia, Japan, Europe and other first-world countries to provide troops and treasure. They're geographically closer to the so-called threat than we are.
- The Middle East is a snarling hot bed of conflicting creeds, tribes, and various other interests that the U.S. could not untangle in a million years. This is a situation that they must sort out on their own. We're in over our depth.
- This is not an isolationist stance. The U.S. is rightfully invested in parts of the world where we have interests, such as Europe, Asia, South America and parts of Africa. We are an international presence. If we take two steps back from the out-of-control Middle East, that would not be isolationist policy, it would be prudent foreign policy.
I'll add more reasons when I think of them. But I repeat from my last blog on this topic, when it comes to ISIS, stay away. Stay Far Away!
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