Monday, January 5, 2015

Some 2015 Predictions

This post is mainly to serve as an indelible record of things that I think will happen this year and which I'll revisit on December 31. If my predictions turn out to be correct, I will crow my prescience oi this space or cite my utter-out-of-touchness and blindness if I'm wrong on most counts. So here goes:


  • 2015 Super Bowl Champs: Seattle Seahawks
  • 2015 NBA Champs: San Antonio Spurs
  • 2015 Stanley Cup Champs: Who cares?
  • 2015 MLB Champs: Kansas City Royals
  • Obama will issue at least 10 vetoes, but no more than 20
  • Congress will pass fewer laws than the last do-nothing Congress
  • Chris Christie will be shamed out of running for President
  • Two top 2016 presidential candidates: H. Clinton and J. Bush
  • No tax reform
  • Obamacare will survive the latest Supreme Court battle
  • Europe will lapse into another deep recession
  • U.S. stocks will rise, but less than 10%
  • Bonds will go down, mainly due to Fed interest rate increases
  • Radical parties in Europe will win important elections in Greece, Italy, and possibly France
  • Crazy Islamists will continue killing each other in greater numbers
  • ISIS will be held in check by coalition forces and not expand further in Iraq
  • Afghanistan will have a bumper poppy crop
  • SELMA will win Best Picture Oscar
  • Beyonce will win...more stuff
  • The Kardashians will continue to be famous for no particular reason
  • I will sell at least 10 books
  • GAME OF THRONES and  WALKING DEAD will continue to be gruesome
  • I still will not be able to identify 8 out of the Top 10 billboard pop music artists 
  • Taylor Swift will continue to suffer from media over-exposure
  • Miley Cyrus will continue to suffer form dermal over-exposure
  • Twits will Tweet at unprecedented levels

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