Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Et Tu Toys R Us?

As seen here, Toys R Us has hopped on the bandwagon as a nefarious abuser of HB1 visas by displacing fully functional American workers with far cheaper Asian workers. 

I especially liked a comment from one of the article's readers:

"You would think it would make more sense to ship all of those executive jobs overseas. Sure, sending accounting and IT jobs overseas saves some money, but think how much money you could save hiring an Indian CEO for 1% of what an American CEO would make! Tremendous value could be returned to the shareholders. Not to mention if you fired all the overpaid, lazy American shareholders and hired Chinese shareholders in their place, who would be too afraid of losing their stock to agitate for higher dividends. Then you could just stack up all the money the company has saved, toss it up in the air, and yell, "I'm rich, I'm rich!" like Scrooge McDuck!"

I guess this outfit joins Disney as suitable to boycott!

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