Saturday, August 23, 2014

The Best Investment Advice in the World

Here’s some investment advice from a professional registered representative licensed to sell mutual funds and variable investments such as annuities (me, in other words). The advice is simple:

Ignore what everyone else is doing.

We are still suffering the remnants of the worst recession since the 1930s. They’re calling it The Great Recession. But as an astute student of market behavior, I happen to know that the stock market begins to recover six months before the end of the recession.

In fact, the market has more than doubled since the so-called end of the recession in 2009. But those getting the full benefit of the market recovery are smart institutional guys who manage pension funds, foundations, and corporate cash.

Small investors like you and me are still scared of losing more money in the stock market, so we invested in twice as many bonds as stocks during the current run-up of the stock market.

History tells us that small investors get out of a falling market too late and get back in just after missing about half of the recovery. That’s because we get too excited when the bulls are running and too scared when the bears are barking.

Of course the sad result is people don’t make as much money on their investments as they could and end up working much longer than they have to and lead lives of quiet destitution.

So here’s my advice. Ignore the damn markets! Invest the same amount every month. Don’t pay any attention to the markets—those who say they can beat the market are liars! Invest every month and you’ll get more shares when the market is low that will be worth a lot more when the market is high.

In the end, you’ll end up richer and you’ll never kick yourself for missing the next market rally or for being exposed when the bears burst in.

Who would’ve guessed that this little screed would offer the best investment advice you would ever get in your life? If there’s any interest out there—I’ll do another post telling you the best way to invest in stocks and bonds and just about anything else.

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